
Showing posts from July, 2018

Google: Click Depth Matters More for SEO than URL Structure

[s/o Search Engine Journal] In this post, Google’s John Mueller revealed that more weight is given to pages in search results based on how many clicks it takes to get to them from a site’s home page versus the URL structure. This topic came up in a recent Google Webmaster Central hangout, where an ecommerce store owner asked about the best way to structure their site. This was the question from the store owner: “We have a multi-location brick and mortar store. We have a single website. For various reasons the two locations have separate inventory. We need separate e-commerce store fronts. We’re trying to decide whether to link those stores directly from the home page, or if we should have kind of a homepage link to ‘/stores’ and then link to them from there.” In Mueller’s response, he stated that the number of slashes in a URL does not matter. What does matter is how many clicks it takes to get to a page from the home page. If it takes one click to get to a page from the home page, the

The Three Pillars of SEO: Authority, Relevance, Trust

The Three Pillars of SEO: Authority, Relevance & Trust For just a moment, remember a time before the Internet and search engines. What did we do if we needed information? In most cases, we began our own quest for a source to supply the needed information. Let’s say you wanted to know the difference between Einstein’s General and Special Theories of Relativity. You could ask your next-door neighbor, but you probably wouldn’t – unless you happened to know that your neighbor was a physicist, a science teacher, or was at least well-read on the topic. If you had access to a nearby university, you might seek out a physics professor to get your question answered. Alternatively, you could go to a library and ask the librarian to recommend the best book on relativity. In each of those cases, you’re making a decision about authority . You know the closer the connection of your information source to deep knowledge about physics, the more likely you are to get a good answer. In other words: Y

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SEO works on any website and vertical, even non-profit entities. Learn more about it here: and give us a call (833-258-3736) for a free analysis and consultation.

SEO works on any website and vertical, even non-profit entities. Learn more about it here: and give us a call (833-258-3736) for a free analysis and consultation.

SEO works on any website and vertical, even non-profit entities. Learn more about it here: and give us a call for a free analysis and consultation.

SEO works on any website and vertical, even non-profit entities. Learn more about it here: and give us a call for a free analysis and consultation.